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" Please," Kennedy said, keeping her voice mild. She got up and squeezed past the other, and turned towards the front of the bus.She stopped next to Charlotte who looked up at Kennedy. "Yes?" the older woman said."Are we going to stop for lunch?" That seemed a reasonable question to Kennedy. They'd started at ten in the morning, the trip was supposed to be six or seven hours.The woman nodded, a slightly embarrassed expression on her face. "Yes. I'm sorry, I should have mentioned it earlier." No problem," Kennedy told her. "I was curious, is all." We stop near Saratoga Springs around one o'clock. There's a McDonald's and a Wendy's next to each other." Thanks," Kennedy said and started to turn away."What's your name?" the woman asked."Kennedy," Kennedy replied."Ah, the girl with only one name! You gave the computer a hiccup! It wants at least two!"Kennedy was aware that the woman was staring at her breasts. Kennedy waited a second, but there was no further comment, so she turned and. So yeah, I’m scared. To have your mother walk away was devastating. To go through it again with you would kill me — literally, with any luck. I’m not sure if I can risk that much any more”.Anita took a few moments to digest what her Dad had just said. She could understand his fears. Hell, she’d gone through similar inner conflicts herself. Maybe she had the same concerns about being deserted as her Dad. But he held out a promise of happiness for her, whether he knew it or not. Now she had to convince him that he would always be her Dad — and more.“James Ryan, I’m going to say this once, and once only!”. Like her Dad, Anita rarely used second names, with this being the first time in her life that she had addressed him that way. But desperate times required desperate measures. Right now, she felt desperate. “My name’s Anita Lorraine, not Megan Dianne! She might have left you . . . us . . . but I’m not going anywhere! I’ve had all fucking day with that realization pounding in my head!.
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