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Her humping was becoming more violent. I rubbed my left hand up her stomach to her chest. Gently, I just held it there, holding her naked body back into the couch. She must have found the feeling amazing. I just grazed over her two nipples with my outstretched fingers when the struts into my face became most violent.She began moaning wildly. In my palm, I could feel her heart beating maniacally. Her knees were flapping in and out as she kept bucking into my mouth.Finally, she slowed and stopped. Her legs fell limp to the sides. I sucked my lips together and kissed her slit. It was completely soaked. It was my saliva, but now it tasted a little different, something new was added in it, just a faint taste. I gently kissed from her vagina, up onto her stomach. I continued up her chest and onto her neck. I lingered there. She seemed to like my kissing there. I kissed around several places, all over her neck before moving up her chin to her lips.Her tongue instantly locked into my mouth.. At the lake we found a nice grassy spot that was a bit secluded. Karen laid out a blanket, pulled off her dress and settled down for some sunbathing. I headed to the water's edge to try my hand at some fishing.After awhile, Karen called to me and asked if I would put some lotion on her back. Since I hadn't gotten a bite, I didn't really mind. I sat down next to her, took the lotion and lathered her up. After, I stretched out next to her. It was far too warm for any kind of snuggling.It did give us time to talk. Karen confided in me that she was nervous about fall because she had to learn some computer skills, something she had little knowledge of. Fortunately for her she had a brother who was already pretty good. I assured her I would help her get through it.I talked to her about my wanting to design video games. A year ago Karen thought it was a silly and childish dream. Then she saw some of the things I was doing on my computer. I had started working on some rudimentary things, and.
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