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Taking a sip from his cup he thought he detected a hint of a nutty flavor. ‘Also earthy... ?’ They did not make the bitterness less harsh on his taste buds, but fixating on them enriched the overall experience, perhaps the first step toward acquiring the taste?“Back then”, Gid Chu opened. “I was serving, together with big brother Ariel and big sister Trey, in the Blessed Army. Big brother Ariel shined the brightest among us three, catching the attention of the high command. His talents were, are legit, so dazzling that me and big sister Trey had to strive with utmost determination just to keep up with the sight of his back. It is fine, though, we would not have attained our accomplishments without him presenting goals to learn from and surpass. Besides, we were wary of the five powers for New Earth. By attracting the limelight to himself alone, he could advance quickly in rank while helping us stay inconspicuous as we probed long enough to formulate an idea of the Blessed Army’s,. “Oh, also, I have a friend that will be coming by for payment, and you need to give her what she asks for. You have enough of it.” Then the door slammed behind her.Then I realized that I still hadn’t passed on Dianna’s request for Demie to call her. I mentally kicked myself, since I hadn’t seen Demie for a few days and it sounded like she’d be away for a while again. I opened the front door, but the demon was long gone.I played video games, my typical Friday night, until I got tired and went to bed.I woke to the feeling of soft hands stroking my cock to hardness.“Urgh, Kate...” I began, lifting the sheets to uncover... ... not the witch, but a small woman with gray skin and a large fringe of dark hair. She paused masturbating me as I looked at her.“Um ... hello,” I said tentatively, “Are you Demie’s friend? She said you’d be by.”“Yeth,” she said with an odd lisp. “Need themen.” Then she returned to playing with my “Tommy Gun”.“Semen ... oh, that makes sense,” I said stupidly as I.
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