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He was hard and I reached back to feel it, long and hot. Running my hand down the shaft, I took note of the girth which increased the lower I got. There was a slight curve and it pulsated as I gave it a squeeze before bringing my hands under my chest to brace for impact. Naturally, I pushed back to provide more purchase and he slowly rubbed his cock up between my ass cheeks. There was no lube, we hadn't planned this. He spit on his hand and rubbed it over his dick and massaged my hole with what was left. Slowly and firmly, he placed the head at the opening and pressed forward.Immediately, I tensed up and my hole attempted to push him out but he was laid on top me, biting my earlobe and whispering for me to relax. I had no choice so I breathed in and pushed out, he slid in deeper, the increasing girth stretched my lips wider and wider. In one breath and one smooth motion, he was all the way in and I felt him flex inside me, the curve of the shaft rubbing my insides. He stayed still,. I had to restrain myself from gasping, but fortunately, the other two guys did not notice. At breakfast, however, I did notice what I thought to be a look of acknowledgment between the two brothers as we ate our food. Dirk then kept giving me a knowing look throughout the meal.That day I worked with Waldo. I had really started liking him, despite his misogynistic attitude towards Ruth. I had also begun to believe that she was comfortable with her husband’s behavior and maybe that’s what worked for them in the bedroom. There was no doubt that he was the chairman of the MCP (Male Chauvinist Pig) club, but that didn’t affect my life, so I couldn’t care less because it was none of my business.That evening Dirk joined Hans and me in our bedroom. To the sounds of a prolonged groaning from next door, it soon became apparent that I was about to experience my first threesome. Dirk then suggested that we move through to his bedroom at the far side of the passage.Thankfully, lubrication was.
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