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It is the third planet out from the local sun so its name starts with ‘Tri’ but every spaceman calls it Tripletit.The planet is in an out of the way part of the galaxy and barely explored. The few thousand resident humans occupied the repair base, the spaceport, and lived side by side with the locals in the nearby town. There was no reason to explore further. Tripletit apparently had no minerals or products in demand elsewhere.The locals on Tripletit are unusual. The adults are all apparently large females and have three breasts, hence the planet’s name. The sex available to visitors is apparently mind-blowing and cheap. There are some perils expressed on the cards given to all human male visitors to the planet:“Left breast or right breast: They’re the best.Centre tit: Don’t! Never, ever interfere with it.Left slit or right slit: In those you’ll find you fit.Centre: do not fill unless you’ve made your will.” The standard talk given to all visitors is on these lines: “The women of. He sucked on those little bundles of nerves until I couldn’t take it anymore. I began trying to push him away to no avail of course. When I was just about to climax, he stopped. Frustrated, I groaned. He held me by the waist and suddenly I was flung onto the bed on my back. It wasn’t that hard a fall but it sure knocked the wind out of me. I had forgotten I had the T shirt on, until he flipped me over onto my stomach. Straddling my hips with his legs and he yanked the sleeves down my arms and tied them. I couldn’t move my hands. ‘What are you doing?’ I got curious and excited all in one. Chris didn’t reply. All I heard was the sound of a zipper and then I felt him raise my hips up before thrusting into me. ‘Oh my g…’ I couldn’t finish as he covered my mouth with his left hand while using his right hand to rub my clit. I was furiously turned on. I wriggled and tried to stop him. It was intense, too intense, it was driving me nuts. I wanted to orgasm so bad it hurt. He was pumping.
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