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When I finally finished for the day. I decided to stop for a cool drink in a bar I had spotted on the way to the last patients home. Walking in I ordering myself a Tom Collins I made myself comfortable at the bar. After an hour or so, a half way decent country and western band started up and I accepted a dance, from a man at the bar. This place was your basic blue-collar bar in a some- what rough neighborhood. Most of the men and few women were dressed in blue jeans and western shirts. I was dressed in a slightly above the knee black skirt, white button up blouse, hose and heels. Several men, they looked like construction workers, came into the bar and it was obvious that they were friends of the man I was dancing with. They moved to a table at the edge of the dance floor. My dance partner excused himself and went over to talk to them. After few minutes, Ron, (my dance partner’s name) came back and asked me for another dance. I agreed and we boogied for a while until the. " Very well then," the Condor grumbled before taking a sip of his wine. "Go and make it so and then return to me for I will have more work for you tonight. I still desire my revenge upon Dom Pedro." Yes Excellency," Alfonso muttered obediently as he rose from his seat, "I will return within the hour."The Count of Cordoba stood and drank his wine as the man left the room. He remained silent until he was gone and the heavy door to his study was closed once more. Then he poured himself another cup of wine."Why bother with the boy Excellency," Don Diego asked his master when the man turned his gaze upon him. "Will it not draw attention to us and our work to the south?" The boy is an irritant," the Condor stated gruffly, "and he will soon become a threat. You yourself told me that the Santa Rosa had arrived on the evening tide while I was attending the King and his court. You know just as I do that the vessel will be carrying word to the Count de Alverez about the fate of his brother. By.
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