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My legs were straight out in front of me, just the tiniest bit apart so that he could see my slit, and my nipples had stopped being hard and conical and were just puffing out a little again. I looked back and just smiled at him, though I don’t think he saw it since he was staring at me. I felt really bold for some reason, and leaned against Pete’s side, though I was kind of low compared to him, as he was on his knees and I had my legs out front so I was just on my butt (not too mention that he was a lot taller than me anyhow). I don’t even know if he noticed, I think he just kept staring at my body. I looked over and saw Pete’s penis still sticking up, his balls were resting on top of his pressed-together thighs. I stared for a moment, and then just closed my eyes. I thought about all that had happened. I know it had felt wrong earlier, but it didn’t feel wrong now. I remember thinking it was weird that someone would stick their finger in another person’s butt, but besides that, none. I tightened my anus.Thereafter, we continued with our studies without a further word on that.In the night when retired to bed I could not sleep.I remembered the smooth shinning balls and pink penis head that I saw of Braja…also the way he touched my anus to say his penis came out impressed by my anus made me shy and sensual.More I thought of that a chill & thrill ran in the anus..I even wished how thrilling it could be if he entered his penis in my virgin hole.I tried to recollect the incident of past of my elder Bijay Bhai who was serious enough to persuade me long before for penetrating his penis in my anal hole…i never agreed and always ran out of his clutch cleverly because I had no idea as to what he really wants to do.Since I was very very excited a sensual desire reigned over me.I imagined about Bijay Bhai and how he could do all that if agreed at that time.Dreams on imagination came in my sleep.Long back we were staying in a rented house in Bhubaneswar.. there was no.
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