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“If you are only half as good as you were until now, they are in for a surprise.”I was not sure what to say to that but I tried. “Sir, I can only promise we will do our best.”“I know that Mr. Olafson and that is all I ask. This is the Devi, the pride of the union and you are representing it. I can’t let you go in a shuttle and looking like that.”Harris didn’t say much more and led us into a quiet almost deserted area of the 25th deck which was the largest deck and housed most of the Devastators larger auxiliary ships, such as destroyers, corvettes and the Thor Gun boats.We ended our little odyssey before a massive door and he had to use his Captain Authority code to open it. A big red sign flashed the words.”Restricted Area.”After we passed through that door into a featureless ante room, he pointed at an Auto-dresser in the corner. “All of you step in that thing and then follow through that airlock and meet me in the hangar behind. The Auto Dresser is already dialed in.”The Auto. . So, we did just about everything a man and a woman could do together. We tried anal sex, twice, because she wanted to make sure she didn’t like it before discarding the idea. It turned out to be a thing we never did after the second time. I’d never cared for it, myself, and Danielle didn’t get anything good out of it either.We started working our way through the pages of on-line versions of the Kama Sutra—at least those that looked interesting to Danielle. Then we tried other sources, porn sites, on the web. Danielle was captivated by the idea of having sex with another woman and doing threesomes, so she brought another woman into the mix on occasion.She watched some videos of two men on one woman but wasn’t interested. She said it was too crude and brutish ... but two women and one man was beautiful and exciting. I didn’t have any problem with her reasoning; I just nodded wisely, keeping a gleeful smile to myself.So we tried that several times with young women on the island. The.
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