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‘It’s 2 a.m., I think it’s time for bed.’ He opened the door for me and then told me to sleep tight and he’d see me in the morning. Once I was in bed I couldn’t sleep. His words from before echoed in my head. Did Todd mean that he found me beautiful? Did his words mean that he found me desirable even? I saw his face before me. His tanned skin, his strong jaw, and those blonde locks that kept falling across his forehead. For the first time in my life I realised that I was sexually attracted to a man and the man was my own professor. I spent a restless night alone in my room. No matter how much I tossed and turned I couldn’t get to sleep. Every time I closed my eyes I imagined Todd kissing me, touching me, making love to me. I was still a virgin, I knew very little about sex, but I knew that the aching feeling in my gut was an ache for Todd to fill me and complete me as a woman and I nearly cried because I knew it could never happen. The shower the next morning did little to wake me up. "Come outside," Jeff said, cocking his head to look at me. "Leave your gun."I did as I was told, and the older man examined me, turning me around. "Won't fool nobody 'cept a blind man," he said with a smile."Got by this morning," Jeff said."They was lookin' at Becka, not this big man," he said, laughing."This here's Joseph," Jeff said, "he was overseer 'fore me, Got sick, worms or something, an' I got the job."I shook Joseph's callused hand; it felt like a piece of gnarled wood."I need a horse," I said."You can steal one, I suppose," Jeff said."I got some money," I told them."Becka said you did," Joseph said. "You be careful 'round her; she'll get it all." How 'bout Harold?" Jeff said, and Joseph nodded, scratching his chin."Harold's a free man, free black man," Joseph said, "horse trader, a fair one. You tell him me and Jeff sent you over, he might sell you a horse, a good horse." How far?" I asked."Day's walk," Jeff said, pointing east. Joseph nodded."They got men out on all the.
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