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Wait a minute. I had cut my teeth on this piano, in this life. I'd seen evidence of it in Mom's photos. Unfortunately, I had no memory of it. But ... I had access to this piano now, didn't I?In the previous life, I'd started piano lessons at six. By the time I was eight, I was winning talent shows and recitals. It just seemed to come naturally to me; my piano instructor had told my parents, "He's a rare talent." Later, my emerging love of rock and roll encouraged me to transfer my talents to the electronic keyboard. However, immediately preceding that, there was a two-year period where I wouldn't go near a piano. I'd quit piano lessons during tenth grade, despite Mom and Dad's pleadings to the contrary. I considered myself too cool to play the piano; it wasn't manly enough. My parents had bombarded me with phrases like "What a waste of talent" and "You'll regret this when you're older", but I wouldn't budge from my stance. And I knew that at present, I was right in the middle of that. He told me that I had a very similar physique to him. He told me that I will look good in that violet blouse and petticoat. I was standing there, completely silent. My dick was erect, and suddenly my ass started itching. I had no idea what to do. I left his room and went to mine.I couldn’t sleep and masturbate by thinking about him. His dark hairy body, and how big his tool be and bla bla. The next morning I woke up and decided not to go to the office and took leave. Arvind woke up, and we had breakfast together, and he said sorry for last night. I kept my hands on his and said ok.After Arvind left for the office, I checked his wardrobe found the old woman clothes and makeup of his ex-partner. I found that violet blouse and petticoat and tried that. I wore a bra and then a blouse and a petticoat. I couldn’t recognize myself.They fit perfectly, and I started feeling myself like a girl. I kept wearing them all day. I clicked some pics. When it was time for Arvind’s arrival, I took them.
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