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She was lying on top of him with her breasts conveniently placed against his mouth. Vijay sucked on her hardened nipples and gently stroke the base of her breasts as she groaned and attempted to lower herself onto his cock. She grabbed the thick member and guided it to her eager vagina. When she managed to insert it she gasped, as the thick appendage filled her tunnel. Slowly she rode him, letting the cock slide in and out of her clasping cunt. Vijay laid back and enjoyed the sensation, in no hurry to cum. Soon Valli came once again and collapsed on him. Vijay let her recover her breath and then he grabbed her wide hips and quickly turned her over, without letting his cock disengage from her slippery vagina. His cock was deep inside her, his balls rested comfortably on her ample buttocks. Slowly, with his cock still buried deep inside of her, he proceeded to thrust it in and out as she dug her nails into his back and wrapped her thick legs around him. He increased the pace faster and. Burke had a single room, a luxury for junior officers. Of course, it helped that he was a war hero. Reaching for the covers, he was surprised when his hand brushed someone's body."Lights!" He instantly shook off his stupor, unsure whether the other person in his room was a friend or foe.The body in the bed stirred."Lights out," a familiar voice yawned. "It's about damn time you got back."The room once again faded into darkness and Eric felt a hand take his and pull him into the bed.In the briefest second that the lights were on, all of the emotions that Eric had buried for the past year came to the surface. He fell into the bed as Maylene's arms wrapped around him.His lips went to the first patch of skin they could find, her shoulder. Her skin was smoother than he remembered, but that didn't matter.She was back in his arms.Her hands pulled his undershirt over his head and pushed his civvies down. Their naked bodies pressed together. As soon as he felt her touch, Eric's cock was erect,.
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