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Wood moved toward them, paying no attention to the dogs. His cock was sticking out like a pointer, seemingly directing his movement toward the girls, predicting a flight path for his cum-load to follow when, soon, that fluid missile launched.Valerie took his hand and led him from the room. Cindy, following, saw that Buck and King both had hard-ons again and she hesitated. The girl had lost all her inhibitions now, and was dying for a chance to be alone with those horny hounds. But she still didn't want Valerie, and certainly not Wood, to know. With a sigh, she followed the other couple into the bedroom and closed the door.She still had the rest of the weekend ahead of her--and in the meanwhile there was a nice big human cock to be dealt with, and the blonde teenager could hardly complain.The bedroom was pleasantly rustic, with pine-paneled walls, hunting prints and a patch-work bedspread in gaudy hues. Standing beside the bed, Valerie began to undress Wood with nimble fingers. Cindy. “Give me some lube,” her voice was a plea. I looked down to see her right palm out; her left hand still worked the vibrator.Happy to oblige if that was what she needed to reach her goal, I gave her a few good squirts. As I set the bottle down, she said, “Hands behind your back.” I concluded that any further reward for me would come after hers.The vibrator clicked to a new setting, a loud, stuttering pattern, and I guessed she was near her peak. It was loud enough that I was uncertain that I heard what she said. My mind had blown a fuse at that moment because my shaft felt Ms. J’s hand around it. Her well-lubed palm took only a few strokes to make my dick slide like a piston in a race car engine.Whatever stiffness I had lost when I was ordered to stop was more than regained when the reality sank in: Ms. J was touching me, touching my cock, squeezing the head, pumping the shaft. I could hardly stand as my brain finally decoded the words it thought it had heard. Whether they were.
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