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It was the day of October . Shrishti and me reached to school. There we reported to our school faculty .From there we left to railways station. Shrishti and me had putted our luggage and sit together.We enjoyed the whole day .At night shrishti changed her lower and wears 3’4th ..She was looking dam hot in close fitting top and i 3’4th.I could she boobs size.From there i started having some sexual feelings for her.We had talked about may thing ad we have decided to pass the night by enjoying each other company.At night weather become cold and i come close to her by holding her in one blanket.At that time shrishti body was touching me.After sometime shrishti started telling me that rocky you are my best friend and i don’t want to loose.I love the manner i which you take care of me. I really like you rocky.Then i told her shrishti i don’t want to loose you,in fact i want a partner like you .Then she placed her head o my shoulder .And i putted my hand on her shoulder then she looked in to. I used to stare at her when she studies in her balcony from my terrace. I used to bring out light from my mobile so that she notices me watching her. I knew she liked it as she also sees me frequently and also started to dress carelessly, she would remove her dupatta (chunni) often when she senses I am watching her.One day to distribute some prasadam (offering of god) I went there knocking her door. She opened the door and asked me to sit on the sofa. She told me there is no one in the home. I sat and while giving the laddu, she bent and I was able to see her budding cleavage, god I skipped my heartbeat then and I started to smile. To my utter surprise even she smiled romantically. I knew I got her but I thought since she was a teenager she was attracted to me and I should not take advantage of her. So I restrained myself with a heavy heart and moved out of there. And days passed with me watching her and her giving some signals. One day when she was leaving for college, I came out of.
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