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“Your picture was quite popular yesterday,” Seto admitted. “Several people at the office thought it was very clever. What’s this?”“On the second day of Christmas,” Joey sang, “my true love gave to me...”“I have no idea.”Joey whipped the cover off what turned out to be a bamboo birdcage. Inside were two stuffed birds. “Two turtle doves,” he sang loudly.“I thought doves were white. Are those real?”“Nah; they’re bogus. They look good, though.”“Just so long as they don’t make a mess on my carpet.”Day 3 - 12-15Joey woke to an odd clucking sound. He sat up and looked around his room. “What. The. Fuck?” He dragged himself downstairs and found Seto arranging a quincunx of postage stamps. “Are there chickens in my bedroom?”“Hens, actually.” Seto continued to read his Kindle. “French hens, to be precise.”“And, yeah, there were three of them.” Joey grinned. “Do they have names?”“I’ve been referring to them as Burgundy, Chablis and Merlot. Those are wines with which my chef will prepare. It was so soft and big. Then I was little excited so I moved my hand into her panties and felt some sponge like thing. When I asked her what was it she told me she’s having a problem. But she didn’t resist me feeling her pussy. Then suddenly I started to have a guilty feeling and told her that. So to calm me down she inserted her hand into my inners and started to rub my dick and all of a sudden it became hard. That night passed away like that and many more nights.I started to get information about sex from encyclopedias in my house and also found out that the spongy substance in her panties were a pad used during menstruation. Time went by one day came that I asked her I want to have sex with her. That night I started to rub her pussy so much that she bit my ears and blood started oozing. Then I tried to insert my finger but it was not going in so I thought my dick cannot go in, but she was totally wet . Then a feeling came in my mind that she may get pregnant. So I withdrew that.
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