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I lay awake drinking in her closeness and intimacy as the sun rose and Chloe slept deeply contently safely.I was just drifting off to sleep when Chloe’s phone started beeping. She had set an alarm. I had woken very early because of the sun. It was only half past six and I’d hardly slept much, what with my fantastic sex fantasy and early waking. Chloe propped herself up on an elbow and asked me dozily if I’d sweet dreams. I wasn’t sure how to answer that, but luckily I didn’t need to - Chloe saw the time and flew straight into top gear contest mode and hurried us to eat our cold rations breakfast and strike camp and get on.And so we finished the contest about two hours before the next team! Graham and Sharon came in last, exhausted, sore and happy. Poor Graham was the only one insured to drive the minibus so he had to pay for his extra long night of passion and everyone had to take turns to keep talking with him to keep him awake all the way home.That night I crashed out and overslept. I fantasized about her at work. I imagined her as I eyed cute girls at the shopping mall or the sweet college-age cashiers at the supermarket. At night time, oh how I hated night time! At night I would try (and fail) to purge her image from my mind. I forced myself not to masturbate. I needed to save every drop of cum I had for Jenny this weekend.I approached Jenny's apartment uncharacteristically nervous. I had been fighting this hardon all day, but now I was as limp as a wet balloon. I was worried I wouldn't be able to get it up for her.Jenny opened the door and peered at me. Her expression was difficult to read. She wasn't her usual cheery self, but she didn't look like she hated me either."Hey," she greeted me. "Come on in. Can I get you something?" Uh, no thanks. I'm fine." I think I was more nervous than she was.I followed her in and closed the door. She looked amazing, as usual. She was wearing a pink sleeveless top with spaghetti straps. It looked about two sizes too small.
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