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She swallowed again. "Go sit down," she said, pointing back at the sofa."But, I'm comfortable," I complained."I'm not. Besides, I want to stay apart while you think about this. I don't want to influence you."I grinned and stood. "Tami, my love, you influence me by existing. It doesn't matter whether you're across the room or across the country." I reached down, grabbed her hand and pulled her to her feet. "Or in my lap." I quickly sat and pulled her down across my legs."This isn't going the way I planned," she said and sighed."What does?" I have to do this." Close your eyes," I told her. "How many times did you rehearse this while I was at practice?" Once or twice." I kissed the side of her nose. "Okay, five or six times." Okay, this is rehearsal number twelve."She giggled."Keep your eyes closed. You're sitting alone at home, waiting for your favorite reserve backup quarterback."Tami took a deep breath. "Tony," she said, speaking to the wall. "I need to talk to you about my dad." She. Look, it's nothing to be ashamed of. I'm not angry. It was only a matter of time. What are you talking about? You can't help it. You have needs, like any woman with a large sexual appetite. Stop it. I don't want to talk about it anymore. She pulls my hand away. I warn you. Don't go there. Okay, forget it. We'll talk about something else. Let's see...what? The weather? She gives me a nasty look. Yeah, the weather. She leans in and suddenly I feel her nails digging into my left leg. And the forecast is stormy. I'll get out my umbrella. Aluminum, I hope. No doubt there'll be lightning. We each take a breath and try to stare the other down. When it's clear neither side will submit, I extend the olive branch, which in this case is a rum punch. Peace. Peace. Glasses clink. For the rest of the evening, there is nothing in my voice or manner that betrays what I have in mind for her. Ready for bed? I ask at last. She answers with her eyes. Feeling her under my arm as we.
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