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“It’s going to be a pearler of a day. I’ll open a window,” he said. As he turned to let some air in I undid the next two buttons of my dress and pulled my hem up, so that sitting as I was, he would actually see my right bum cheek. He turned and looked at me and did a double take. It was as if he was trying to work out what had changed. Was I really showing that much breast before? Could he really see half my ass all of a sudden? “Are you OK Cory?” I asked. “You’ve gone a bit pale.” “Yeah..I'm fine.” My young tutor looked distinctly uncomfortable and loosened the top button of his shirt. It was exactly the reaction I had wanted and it just made me feel even naughtier. He sat down again and resumed his appraisal of my work. As he spoke, I listened intently but uncrossed my legs. I sat with them slightly apart and slid one hand slowly up my left leg. Cory paused and looked down and then looked at me. “It’s OK, I’m listening Sir…I mean Cory.” He began to speak again, but was totally. She then charged the rock with Lightning strike, the one hand to hand battle skill she had control of.She spun her small body around and drove the lightning imbued stone into Thornbreak's gut. He stiffened and screamed in agony as the charge of energy drove into his body and his insides quite suddenly cooked and exploded. His grip released and he flew across the road twitching a bit in the mud before he died.What happened next was even worse. His supposed master appeared and claimed the body as it died. Mayong looked around, found who he was looking for, "Thank you child. You have rid me of an annoyance." He made a slight throwing gesture at Tama and she felt something hit her in the head, but was not able to worry about it then as she suddenly couldn't stop her lightning attack. He then vanished as quickly as he had appeared, taking Thornbreak and the disk with him. He had his own plans for that disk.Tama had just continued to stand were she was and had started crying as she.
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