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I looked over at Sassy, she had a big smile on her face and I’m sure she couldn’t believe it either, I put my arm out toward her and she scooted rite up next to me, I said to her Sasha first, she smiled, I put my attention back to Sasha and started kissing her, I put my right hand on her pussy and she was oh so wet my finger slid rite in, she spread her legs apart, I got between and my dick slid rite in we started to fuck, I reached over to Sassy, and put my hand on her pussy and rubbed her crotch through the outside of her panties, I slid my hand up and inside her panties and down over her hairy mound and slid my finger rite in her pussy hole, she put her hand on top of mine and started pumping my hand as I finger fucked her. My dick was sliding in and out of Sasha, it felt so good I almost shot my wad, but managed to stop in time. I looked at Sasha and told her it was Sassy’s turn and she didn’t say anything; she was pretty much out of it. I slid out and over to Sassy I started. She led me to the middle attached wrist and ankle cuffs and a fishhook mouth gag. She then led me to a frame and attached my wrists to the top beam spread and then spread legs and attached leaving me wide open. She then walked out of the room. Then the main door open and the husband walked in with a several other people he walked to me and smacked me hard on ass with riding crop. I jumped at the blow. Then a female waked up and twisted my nipples and as I screamed at the pain. I was crying then. Someone threw a bucket of ice cold water on me. I screamed. They left me as I sobbed. Then as I hung their I was taken down and returned to my room and was allowed to sleep. Next morning I was waked up and had a plate of food that I ate. A hour later a female servant walked in and said follow her. She led me to a bathroom where I showered and the girl shaved my pussy and head and eyebrows. Then she applied a lotion to my entire body and then I was led to a waiting room where I found heels.
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