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The...SHIT!!?"My eyes darted back to my bedroom door and nearly popped out of my head when they saw Missy standing there, glaring at me. And here I was, dick out and stuck to the side of my leg, cum on my thighs and bed, and worst of all, Liz left her thong on the foot of my bead."N-no..." I stammered, not able to find words to help me out."C'mere!" Missy shouted, snatching me up by the arm. She drug me down the hall to my parents' room and all I could do the whole time was bumble 'n-n-no' repeatedly. She kicked the door open, threw me inside and flung Liz's thong on my head. To my surprise Liz was sitting fully dressed (by her standards) and not looking the least bit ravaged. "Look who I found beating his meat to your thong!" Missy shouted."N-n-NO!" I muttered again, confused as fuck. I made pleading eyes at Liz, but I could tell by the appalled face she made that she was gonna fuck me over."The FUCK did you get this from!?" she shouted, zipping out of be and into my face. She didn't. I was to arrive at 10 pm on the given date. One week later I found myself driving on a remote rural road. I had been told to look for a trail wide enough for only one car at a certain mile mark. I pulled off on the trail that was heavily wooded and drove for about 2 miles before coming to a clearing. A short distance from the clearing appeared a large house with one light on on the first story and one on the second story. I had been told to ring the door bell. Shortly after ringing the door a man opened the door and asked me to enter. He was completely naked except for some kind of contraption over his cock and balls. I later discovered this was to prevent him from masturbating. He escorted me to a huge room that had a ring like you see on WWE in the center of the room and told me to take off all of my clothes and then enter the ring. He said his mistress would arrive soon. Sure enough, about five minutes later a figure wearing a hooded robe entered from a side door and entered the.
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