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Noticing the stale moment, Shannon suggests a game of strip poker to keep the festivities going. Knowing she is great at poker, Candace declares that the first two to lose must get naked first. Candace grabs Nicole for her team and shakes her ass at the opposing team of Shannon and Kelly taunting them. Shannon feeling threatened suggests that the first team to win 3 hands strips the other team nude. “Bring it!” says Nicole tossing back her drink. Kelly nervously agrees, not wanting to ruin the night.Despite her arrogance, the game does not go well for Candace and Nicole. Even timid Kelly is starting to cheer and shake her tits at the losing team in anticipation of winning. On the third hand in a row without a single win, Candace and Nicole know they have lost, and Shannon and Kelly are a little too happy to rub it in. Nicole had the lowest hand in the last round, so they decide she gets stripped first, teaming up to undress her, Shannon steps in front of Nicole then bends down to. (he said in a dominating tone)I cut the call and checked my dress,applied the famous purple CK perfume and took a look into the fridge, just to check whether anything is available to satisfy hunger after the Hungama in bed and switched on the tv and put some Hindi romantic song on it.15 minutes later I heard the calling bell. It was like a thunderstruck to me. The excitement was at its peak and I rushed to open the door. When opened the door I saw David standing there with an alpha smile on his face wearing a denim t-shirt and jeans. He was well dressed for the occasion and it was really a hard on to see his rippling muscles that seem to protrude through his shirt.He was scanning me from top to bottom and there was a huge polarity in our expressions. He was in his macho look and it’s easily understandable that he is the one in control there from his look, not even flinching a bit and scanning me while I was giggling n shying away from his look like a girl. He came inside hold me by.
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