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I always loved doing this knowing I could always make her cum, as she had said, it was the one thing I was best at.I licked, sucked and probed her for what seemed ages, all the time Sue was making that purring sound, but I was getting desperate, I wanted to bring her off so that I could get my relief.Then I felt her raise her hips to me, I knew that her climax was building and at last she was close, there was even more juices almost flowing from her. Now I had her crying out, now you bitch cum for me. She grabbed my head pressing my face even tighter if that was possible, I could hardly breathe. I sucked harder used my teeth to nip her hoping that this would be enough to finally tip her over the edge and make her cum.I'm pleased to say thats just what happened, her climax was so strong that she clamped her legs around my head, holding me there as I lapped up her sweet honey just like a bee on a flower. I rolled away so that she could put her legs down and relax a bit, but my hands. This made the salve nervous as she was aware he was probably watching her from some where. She was made to stand in the same position for at least twenty minutes and her legs were really getting sore and cramped, she had not moved a muscle apart from blinking. Then she could hear his footsteps coming down the hall, getting closer. He appeared in front of her with what looked like a small old fashioned oven lighter in his hand, and also her favourite paddle. He brought his fingers up to her nipples and made the both erect, although that was not hard as her arousle was mounting. He then brought the little gadget up to the nipple on her right breast, and put her nipple in to the opening at the end. He then pulled a small trigger and a sharp electric shock was delivered to her breasts making her legs buckle but the Dom caught her from falling on to the floor. He told her she had done well as she had not shouted out or even uttered a sound. He then done the same to the left nipple this.
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