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It would have been far more acceptable if the boys and girls were copulating in the woods instead of destroying their only means of easily disposing of waste materials out in the wilderness.Rebecca spoke to the former Girl Scout, now Boy Scout, called Maria about her participation in the anti-social behavior in the woods. The girl was obviously distraught but Rebecca persisted in her questioning because it was quite difficult to understand what sort of thinking would lead them to doing something so unnecessarily destructive when there were so many activities that were a lot more satisfying in the long run.“I honestly didn’t know what the pipe did, Scoutmaster Rebecca. I guess it was just that we were showing how accurate we could throw the rocks and it was a good target to aim at. If I had known it was taking all that shit away from the camp, I would have stayed far away from it because that is no fun at all.”Rebecca believed the girl and she was certain the other boys had the same. Robert turned to Lynn. "Let me first offer my congratulations for making it to sixth spot in the final ladder, and ask your thoughts on this afternoon's match?" That's funny Robert because as a family and a team that is exactly what we discussed over a light lunch in the restaurant," she moved closer and placed an arm around Peter Rorke's shoulders, "win, lose or draw against Peter's Kangaroos team we plan to enjoy something we may never get to experience again." Oh and why is that?" asked Camilla."Simply because if anyone had told us before the start of the season that would finish in sixth spot and taking part in the finals we would have laughed, remember we were ranked 24th out of the 28 teams. Performance wise we would just like to bowl to our capabilities," she leaned across and kissed Peter Rorke on the cheek, "so that Peter and his team will have to bowl well to beat us and so that we give the crowd here and the television audience a good match."I smiled. "Thank you Lynn we all.
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